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Showing posts from May, 2021

Odd Fucking Fellows

  Odd Fellow “My mind doesn’t work right anymore.”   “You are fine, you just have an abnormal fear of ahlzheimers and probaby did too much acid as a kid.” “No, I don’t remember, people are fading.”   “That’s called age.” “The other day, my boyfriend asked me, ‘so what’s your funniest story?’ and I’m like I’ve got funny stories, I couldn’t think of why I loved Elijah and Seth so much or why I thought we were all so clever.” “You were, you all were.” “Then why don’t I remember?  But I remember every detail about you and what you said hte day we met and the day after that and the years to follow.” “Because, they loved you.  You loved me.” “I loved them” “But you didn’t worship them.”   “We were each other’s world, in it together, it wasn’t a worship sense and i don’t worship you either.” “Did you spend as much time wondering about them and your importance to them as you did hoping with me?” “No.” “You forget things, see?” ---- Concrete Stare “Denny fucking Fellows.”  The door opens, no li